Meyer Won the Title of "Excellent Private Enterprise in Anhui Province" Again!

On February 18, the first day of work of China Spring Festival, the provincial party committee, and the provincial government held in Hefei to create a first-class business environment and promote the high-quality development of the private economy conference. Provincial party secretary Han Jun attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, Governor Wang Qingxian presided over the meeting. At the meeting, Meyer was once again praised by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and was awarded the title of "Excellent Private Enterprise in Anhui Province".

In 2023, Meyer deeply implemented the medium and long-term development strategy, actively seized the good opportunities of the central government and the province to promote the development and growth of the private economy and optimize the business environment, united thoughts, clarified direction, comprehensively promoted the engineering of products, and continuously improved the competitiveness of its products and market share. The annual output value, operating income, and other major business indicators have been growing steadily, making positive contributions to the province's economic development.

After 31 years, Meyer has always adhered to the core culture of "Integrity, Realism and Innovation" and the core values of "Pursue quality, Serve Customers", focusing on three business sectors of foodsafety, healthcare, and recycling, continuously improving its brand awareness and meeting the needs of customers and social economy. In 2024, Meyer will seize the opportunity, ride on the momentum, vigorously promote the process of digitalization, greening, and internationalization, make greater contribution to the acceleration of the "Three Places and One Region" and the construction of "Seven Strong Provinces" in Anhui Province.

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